Jacques Roux, Marie-Thérè Alain Battegay, Marc Derycke



Mes Livres

Profane Citizenship in Europe

Éditeur :Editions Le Manuscrit

Genre :

Sortie: 02/11/2012

Between legal citizenship as a status and the exclusion from the polis, which takes multiple forms, there is room for investigating practices of citizenship. What the authors here interpret as profane forms of citizenship refers to initiatives-which are sometimes discreet and often in-between ordinary and political, private and public, and formal and informal forms - that assert the right “to have rights” and to participate in the life of the polis. This multidisciplinary book relates research carried...

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Citoyennetés profanes en Europe

Entre le statut juridique de citoyen et les formes multiples d’exclusion de la cité, il y a place pour une enquête sur...

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